As I age...ahem, mature...there are times that I shake my head in wonder at the things I do.
Like walking into a room to get something and discovering in those few micro-seconds my brain has turned to mush. I do believe that this is a way to get us to do more exercising...walking back the way we came to "jar" our memory and then that "Aha!" moment and hurrying back before we forget. I'm tempted to get one of those pedometers to see how many steps I actually take in a day because of forgetfulness.
But, there are also perks to aging...I mean, maturing. We do grow wiser in our parenting skills; too bad the kids had to be the guinea pigs. We grow in our faith. We look back at our old lifestyle and shake our heads, wondering how we ever got through it without killing ourselves or at least ending up with serious injuries.
I do know that the prayers of my mother were heard time and time again in my life. There were so many stupid things I did that my kids will never find out about from me. And now, I spend time in prayer daily for each one of them. This kind of generational thing is good and I pray that my children will continue it with their children.
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