The LORD is on my side; I will not fear.
What can man do to me? Psalm 118:6
I was struggling to find something that would help me after my car accident on Wednesday afternoon. A sleepless night was had that night and such awful thoughts were coming into my mind....like...I've scarred a girl for life...she'll never want to drive again...how could I be so stupid....what could I have done differently..."see, you're not so good; you had an accident". Knowing all the while that it was the enemy seeking to destroy my walk with God. I continually prayed for help from the LORD and this is the verse He lead me to on Thursday.
Yes, I was my fault; but I don't need to keep beating myself up about it. I truly did not see the car coming..it was hidden behind a pickup truck bed as I cautiously crept forward. Then "BAM!", out of nowhere this car is suddenly there!
The enemy is like that--lurking, making us think we are safe and then all of a sudden "WHAM", he hits us like a ton of bricks. Our initial response is surprise, but we should never be surprised by what he will do. We need to always proceed with caution--looking twice and making sure it's okay to go on. In those times that the enemy does break through, there is always someone there to help us and protect us...just like the ambulance driver, policeman and firefighters were there to help me...only I also had God's hand upon me. He did not let anyone get hurt and kept me far enough back that my car was not damaged as badly. He calmed me and I thank Him that the girls parents were not angry with me. That was a fear of mine, but after reading Psalm 118:6 and knowing that He is on my side, those fears were diminished.
I pray that His protection will continue to be on that young girl. That she will know her fears can be taken care of by the King of Kings and LORD of LORDS.