This was a new bird for us at our feeder this winter. It's called a common redpoll and is only here in the cold, winter months. I do believe this is a female since it doesn't have the red breast mark like the male does. It was fun to get up each morning and look out at the feeders to see where this little bird was amongst the usual sparrows, cardinals, chickadees, goldfinch and blue jays. It stood out because it was different from the others and not a usual bird to see. The other birds accepted it and didn't pay much attention to it.
One cool fact I read about this little bird is that Redpolls have throat pouches for temporarily storing seeds. They may fill their pouches with seeds quickly then fly away to swallow the seeds in a more protected, warmer spot.
I love to watch the birds at the feeders. The bigger ones will get up in the feeder and push the feed out on the ground for the ground feeders. It empties the feeder really fast but I don't mind refilling it for the joy they provide to me.